Hi there, I am excited to share that I have recently joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, as an Assistant Professor in the School of Science and Engineering. I’m currently building my research team and looking to recruit motivated individuals at all levels, including PhD students, postdocs, interns, visitors etc etc. If you are interested in joining a super cool lab focused on super cool projects at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction, Electrical Engineering, Material Engineering, and Optical Engineering, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at yuhuajin@cuhk.edu.cn
Hello there! My name is Yuhua Jin, I used to be a postdoctoral associate working at MIT. I’m originally from China. If you feel like my name is hard to pronounce, my friends usually call me YJ for short, and I think it’s cooler.
I’m conducting research at the intersection of HCI and Optical Engineering. My work focuses on developing novel optical methods and tools for advanced personal fabrication technologies with the goal to lower the entry barrier of the high-level technology to daily use. During my time working at MIT, I invented an unprecedented physical color-changing technology, “Photo-Chromeleon“, which enables people to re-program the color of objects at will even after fabrication. Based on this technology, there may come a day in the future that everyone can personalize their own belongings and appearance on a daily basis, without the need to buy the same object multiple times only for different colors and styles.
Apart from my major work of scientific research, I’m also known as a freelance musician and a street dancer. I love science, love art, love life. I’m a big dreamer.
About the domain name of my website: I happened to know “Plus Ultra” from the anime “My Hero Academia“. This phrase is original from Latin and stands for “further beyond”. My last name is Jin, in Chinese “靳”,which is a combination of “革新”,and means “revolution” in English. A fusion “Ultra-Jin” is a good combination, which stands for my conviction to keep going beyond and be courageous to break through the current limits.